
Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Bit about Atheism Part 2 : The Other Side

As per previously discussed, They are some who Do not believe in god but they believe in the God in Mankind. They are always both sides to the story. For instance there is an old saying : " One who do not have any belief in God is as Blind as to those who trust in HIM too deeply "

Its an interesting point, many would critic an Atheist as that person is blind or has lost its grace and etc. But what about those who believe in God too deeply, there are some who has even given up their life in certain religious ceremonies all in the name of god.

In the Ancient times, wars were fought, Thousands were killed, tortured or even hanged all in the name of God, these people would shout God Wills It. Hmmm..youd might be thinking, Who Am I referring this to? Well Im talking about all religions and all different points in time. For example : - The Crusaders in ancient Syria and in middle east, Wars were fought for the claiming of Jerusalem the Holy Land. Thousands died all in the name of god. But in the end Both sides only had gained nothing, there was only huge losses. A century of warfare which TILL NOW has yet to be resolved.

In Hinduism, there were also thousands who died in the wars of Mahabharata, half of them were all related to each other, and yet they slew each other all in the name of Lands, Wealth, Kings, God & Country. So did the Ancient Chinese Dynasties also had wars, so did the Muslims civil wars, Ancient Egyptians wars for overthrowing the Pharoahs or God Kings.

When you look back in to history it teaches us that Humankind has been fighting Wars only for the sake of Greed and own personal Gain, never for the sake of true Religious peity. Each and every single one of them only fought to satisfy thier own personal agenda's. But ask yourself this...WHICH GOD WOULD EVER CONDONE ANY WAR ?
Bloodshed has only brought more bloodshed.

For Me personally....AM I AN ATHEIST ?? Well, I have a firm believe in God, Yes I pray to statues, I believe daily prayer routines & rituals,So I guess Im not one. But There are certain pointers that makes me Question Religion as a whole. Who created Religion, and why put so many Rules & Regulations to follow ?
I trully believe that religion is the reason the world is actually being broken up to pieces. We are divided by gender, age and skin colour, and now to further top the icing we are further divided by religion and race....

To me, We are all one, the only difference is Men & Women, Young & Old...and I guess thats it. We should all have a universal belief in God, we should all have universal believe in the soul of mankind. Let us pray for the good of mankind, let us bring the spirituality of life back into the mainstream.

A Bit about Atheism...What is Atheism Anyways ?

There are many people who may have already heard of the word Atheist, but what does it mean actually ?

As per what it says in Wikipedia : Atheism can be either the rejection of theism,[1] or the position that deities do not exist.[2] In the broadest sense, it is the absence of belief in the existence of deities.[3]

"Hehehehe!! Copy N Paste again?? yup I know I'm lazy but...Anyways, back to the subject..."

To the layman, the above description may sound too scientific and too hard to be deciphered. So in the layman's sense, an atheist is someone who does not have any belief in God. Now there are many atheists around the world nowadays, some would even go as far to say that those who do not believe in god is those who believe in the devil. Well as far as most Intellectual atheist's go, I don't think they are all Satanic or Devil worshipers actually. They merely are all more of a Rationalist, where they believe in scientific evidence and realistic explanations for everything. They believe in the Logical and Factual explanation for everything and not relying on anything mystical, spiritual or in superstitions.

Now I don't think that its wrong if one does not believe in God, thats highly your own personal beliefs but there are some irresponsible ones out there who goes out to criticize religion and God. Now these are the people with problems. If you dont like something, but its something that's not wrong, no use going around telling people that everyone else should reject this.

There are also some who believes in Teachings of Saints or Holy Men/Prophets and these people do not believe in Religion. Now here comes the argument, Are they also considered Atheist ?? Some of these people do not believe in God, but they believe in a spiritual energy of righteousness surrounding men. They are taught doctrines on how to become a good human being, giving in to devotion to helping humanity and in non-violence.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Truth & Honesty

What is the different between telling the truth and Knowing truth ? Telling the truth means to tell one the exact thing that has happened without fabrication, lies or made up ideas. Its to tell something as it is.

Knowing truth, means knowing the knowledge of all that is noble and good conduct of righteousness. So where does one draw the line between telling a truth or knowing truth ? Pretty complicated rite ? I know its baffling. What The heck does Knowing truth means ? Here's something to ponder upon.

Lets say you're a guy married with a beautiful wife, and she is currently pregnant 9 months. One day she comes up to you and asks you if she is still beautiful and good looking with her pregnant belly. Now this is where one begins to think and delve deep in thought for a good answer. Some might say its simple and easy, others may ponder on the answer. Some might be POLITICALLY correct, some may be quite cautious, others may be too fast to answer. Basically, the best answer and safest would be rather the most obvious one that is to tell her that she is still as beautiful as ever.

Now but is this the TRUTH ???? A pregnant women might look really huge, thus not as how she used to look before. But off course TO some Select Few, they may think that pregnant women are hot & sexy, but truthfully speaking you may have told a lie.
But does this mean that I have yet done something wrong since I lied ? Not really, Most believe that what you said is a good lie.

Others may argue that One needs not to lie to tell if that person is beautiful during their pregnancy, They Are beautiful never the less.So here's the ZEN thingy,What you told is a lie...but it was a good lie that you told. If you had told that she looks huge it may have made her sad & unhappy. But on the other hand if you were overnice you might pay an even bigger price, she might take that youre being rather sarcastic or plain cruel with her. Please do Remember the mood swings that comes with the pregnancy period as well. All these factors actually do add up. So now comes to the Main Point, What is Knowing Truth means in all these. Knowing Truth means to know the good & righteousness conduct, also to apply this knowledge in daily use. Knowing that if you told the TRUTH in the question above it would left a devastating effect on a relationship. But If you told that lie, you wouldve been a rather nice and good person. BUT YET I LIED !!!! How could Telling a Lie be good ? In some circumstances telling a good lie is better than telling a bad truth.

Now this is where it comes to my 2nd point, and this is about Honesty.
To know a whole lot more about Both this subjects, lets take a look back to the beginning of time as told in the Quran & Bible.

There was ADAM & EVE in EDEN the Garden of Paradise, The Tree of Knowledge of all that is Good & Bad sets right in the center of the garden. EVE was tricked by the serpent to eat an apple from that Tree of knowledge. Now both Adam & Eve was already warned by GOD Not to eat from that tree. Yet, she took a bite from that apple on that tree, and gave it to Adam. Next thing, they started to cover their body in shame. Now here's a thought Why do u think that God Forbade Humankind from eating from that tree ?

One thought was that God Forbade them to test their fate and love of Gods word/command. Another was that it was teach humankind NOT to be greedy.

Here's some points as to why HE may have forbade us :

1. To teach us Respect for nature.
2. To teach us to respect HIS commandments.
3. A Test of our Faith.
4. It would actually might have been bad for health ???
5. Maybe some secret Bet God had goin with the Devil / Serpent.
6. To Stop us from becoming like HIM. ( GOD )
7. To Force us to disobey him.
8. Knowing all that is good & bad is too much for one mind to handle.
9. Knowledge of all that is Good & bad would cause us to Only be interested in Knowing everything Bad.
10. I Truly Honestly Dont Know why He forbade us. I guess we all should sometimes just do what we were told to.

Now, lets take this perspective for a change....Lets Say that God Forbade us Mainly because if Humankind ate from that tree, we would know everything Good & Bad.Now since God is all knowing, he would've definitely figured out that Humankind is so easily inclined to be interested in doing bad things rather than good ones. So I guess thats why he forbade us...

Here's a cruncher tho...IF GOD IS ALL KNOWING and ALL pervading, WHY oh! WHY did he HAD TO PUT THAT TREE RIGHT THERE in the first place, and then Tell us not to eat it, KNOWING fully well that We are going to disobey him in the first place ??? Important thought rite ? You'd think that God wouldn't have a sense of humor well maybe this proves us that maybe he does have one. Off course "God Works in mysterious ways" this one legacy he left stays true to that saying, however in all of this Where is the Honesty and Truth in GODS doing at this time ?

Im not being an ANTI god or anything, but to tell you the truth THIS IS WHY I trully believe that both Bible, Quran and all other sacred texts has actually been written by humans and NOT GOD himself. GOD in all his knowledge would've NOT made such a Big Bad Blunder like this, however a Human Mind could. They were writing this on a mind with limited ability. If GOD truly wrote these texts, it would've been flawless, there was everything there ever was to know about anything. And he would've wrote this for everyone and would've made it so simple for everyone to follow.

Look at our ancient texts, Every single one of them has its flaws..So How could people go on to say that GOD wrote any one of them, when it has Flaws ? GOD is FLAWLESS, He is Perfect. I truly love GOD, and I take him to be the single Greatest thing in my life. Everyday, Id pray to him asking for forgiveness and his blessing. I trully ask only 2 things from him : To Please forgive all my sins currently and past as to when he deems fit, and to Bless me when if he deems fit.

In times of a such a need, Id pray for that need also, but I will also tell him that I will not be upset or angry should I NOT get what I pray for. As I know God would know what is BEST for me. No use crying over something God has not prepared to bestow upon me. Therefore, I surrender myself to him completely and to deal with me as how He wishes to.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Truth About Life.

I have approached many people in life, in many facets of life. I have starred directly into it, and yet came out unscathed. I truly believe this small quotation, " Whatever good I can do unto this world, Let me do it today and not save it for tomorrow and I shall not look back, For I shalt not return this path again "

Now, although this saying has touched me deep inside somehow though I feel that if we were to all live this way we would end up being too selfish. Why cant we actually walk on this path again ? If we were given the chance to actually do something good to the world ? why wont we make a stand to repeat this process even into the next birth ??. Who Am I ? as the blogger AM I THE MAHA BLOGGER ???

Well, lets just say that this blog is a screen that gives out pearls of wisdom from time to time. Does it mean that this person must also be such a Wonderful, Great and Holistic person? No, He does not need to be. Its like the following saying goes " For Those who CAN...They DO, and for those who CAN'T......They'd Teach ! "

I'm no Monk, I cant give up all that's been given to me, as I believe that whatever that's been given to me is a blessing, and I should be thankful for it. But as I said, I'm no MONK, So I Can't DO the good things Id wish to say, so simply I'd rather Teach....Simple, a good way of living. You don't do any harm and yet you're able to gain a peace of mind since you know that someone out there has taken in your advice and has improved his/hers life.

Good philosophy eh ?

Welcome to the MAHA BLOGGER.

This is an Epic Saga that starts Billions of years ago...Since time immemorial, Humankind has been a plague, a disease for this planet. We have been the Cancer and now we are headed towards a grand scale disaster that none can prepare from.

We have been eating this planet alive, but LO and Behold ! This planet shall fight back, this IS a living planet. It has evolved ways to destroy any sort of viruses that tries to break down the immune system of this planet.

Who or What is this cure ? TIME !!!

Now Im Sure that the above may have sounded amusing. But What is MAHA Blogger all about anyways ? To Tell you the truth.....There you go....Its to tell you Truth. As long as I walk on this path called Life, I shall try my very best to give the message of truth, love, honesty and as a matter of fact any sort of good advice that I can possibly give to anyone out there.