
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Clairvoyance : Knowing something before it happens in Reality

Dear People,

Thank you for your continued interest in this blog. So here it goes.

Clairvoyance...What in heck is Clairvoyance, well lemme sum it in 2 words,
Clair = Clear / voyance = Vision. So it means clear vision. Its a form of ESP. Now I'm not talking bout that popular sports channel...Sheesh!! ESPN !!! duhh...

ESP is Extra Sensory Perception. Now I'm sure there were times where you were so absolutely sure that something is going to happen, you just cant explain it nor can you understand where you got that info from. and then boom it happens. A whole lot of people will never understand abt ESP and whether if clairvoyance is real or some kinda sci-fi bull. In actual fact in some instance it could've happen to you some point in your life where you could predict something and it happens EXACTLY as how you had earlier describe it.

For me : I can give you about 3 - 4 examples of clairvoyance actually that took place in my very own family. Lets start from my 2nd Bro, I call him Pro Bro. He told me once he was sitting with his co-leagues in a coffee shop. They were all discussing how hot the weather was and how good it were to be if it rained. My bro just simply got irritated, and so he kinda said this in a loud manner " Now what the hell do you want ? You want it to rain right ? " he snapped his fingers...Believe it or not, At that Very Splinter of a second...Kabooom, there was a sound of thunder but it was far from the shop but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Now my Brother was abt to make a joke, but seriously he never thought that this would've happen at that exact second. He closed his eyes and let out a slight rough sigh as if a magician had just concertrated and spent his powers on a spell. He made it look like he caused that !! His friends sat there awe struck and gawking in disbelieve. THIS IS NO STORY, Its really true and it did happen But my brother could not contain his laughter and smiled...and then he laughed...He couldnt believe his freaking luck, What are the odds of that ever happening, but It actually did on this day !!! the weiredest thing however, how is it that He Knew that it was going to rain at that moment ?

That was Example 1, now here's Example 2 : My Own Life experience
This kinda happened like wayy before, I was still schooling at that time. Dad wanted to re-paint his old car so he brought out this paint table and colour chart. He asked all of his sons all 4 of us to choose a colour, so we all did. As you'd know all of us did have separate taste and colours. I choose if Im not mistaken Navy Blue for our ol Datsun car mind you! But dad couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to make it as a vote, All of us wrote or favourite color on a peice of paper and rolled it up and put in a jar.

The one who picks up the paper with our own colour wins the vote. So guess what I picked it up VOILA it was My Navy Blue, I was jumping for Joy...But I guess that was Really a Miracle from God, cos I was Praying sooooo freaking hard for my colour to be chosen.... But sigh...Dad later chose his own Fav colour and repainted it...
It was Yellow !!!

Well I can give example 3 - 4 at a later time...for now, I gotta go...BYE !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....Why did I feel that you were going to say that youre gonna give us the example of clairvoyance later??