
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another 3 Months of No Updates.Why ?

Well is my Blog gonna be update every 3 months once ? Well, the main reason is as the AVP of Universal Management Team, we manage everything. However, there is a scare and paranoia going around humanity about the year 2012. Well, we have yet to receive any updates from HIS words yet. Therefore all I can say is maybe its gonna be just another day. Just like what happened back in Dec 1998, when the clock struck 12 am, everybody thought the world will end in 1999. Then again, 1 year after it was the Millenium new year, But as far as I can remember 2000 was a party Most of us will never forget. It was because of the amount of pleasure we can get (in the clubs and bars and New Yr party hotspots) and the amount of fear we had on our computer systems back home ( will it crash or simply stop functioning? ). But 12am struck and nothing happened, it was just another Saturday night. Yeah sure there were fireworks but came monday its Business as usual. So all you doom sayers and paranoid freaks out there.. Come Dec 23rd rite ? if Im not mistaken 2012, Nothing will happen. No Asteroids, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or Tidal wave tsunamis coupled with volcanoes. Nope, when 12am rings on 23rd Dec 2012, its just gonna be yet another Sunday. That morning people will get up late and some may go to work, Then mebbe the paranoia strikes again. As far as Id know, we shall be back only back in April 2011. Need to collect the information for the next 6 months or so. Then will start creating the masterplan.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

External Resources for : Connecting the dots on WorldEvents.

Now I do Understand that Adding the Videos would be good but Uploading them is a real pain the place where the sun don't shine. But since you asked, and I guess it would help I am however giving you the resource helping for the info. So here are the links to the videos in question : -


We Are The World 2010 : For Haiti

Floods in china - July 2010

Floods in Mexico - ALSO July 2010...What a co-inicidence rite ?

Dr Mazlan Othman - UN Alien Ambassador's Speech.

Chinese UFO with cloud Formation. - Related to Aurora

News report on NEWEST OCT 2010 China UFO sighting.

See how a MACH 1 Sonic Boom looks like in Close up. - Clouds formed by Aurora will be much bigger and longer since it travels in Mach 6.

The Video is called TR3B Aurora Astra UFO. - As you can see our Ancient Scriptures are true about Astra Vimana, or Chariot of the stars. This was written in stone millions of years ago. Co-incidence everyone ?

P.S. : About how I got this info...let's just say that I'm Part of the ORGANIZATION that really looks hard upon this matter and sees reactions. Our job is to Monitor.
A Sci-Fi movie that describes something like us coming out soon. Its called the Adjustment Bureau...Off course We are not GOD to monitor and Control EVERYTHING, but yeah, we do most of the monitoring...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Connecting the Dots on WorldWide Events : Ufo's, Alien Ambassadors, Aurora & HAARP

If you just would to look at newspapers today wherever you may be. Just see some of the headline stories you would be able to actually see a picture is forming.

For instance, first say back at 2009 and this year of 2010, we have experienced many eclipses in such a short timeline. There was the sun eclipse and then there was the moon eclipse. Then there was a report that US Researches are currently researching on the power sound waves to create full defensive measure for war its called as the HAARP research facility. It is said that this research facility has the ability to actually control weather patterns on the planet using Soundwaves emitters or transmitters. But its not been properly documented nor was it established. It was mere rumors and heresay's. But r u sure that officials are Actually gonna tell you abt it ? and not deny it as usual.

After a few months later....Tragedies struck, Micheal Jackson passed away and it was such a shock to the world, then came yet another tragedy in a form of an Earthquake in Haiti, many people died and suffered in that poor country. US started campaigning for rescue missions even set up a fund for foundation. A new WE ARE THE WORLD song was created for Haiti. This has connections to MJ, then later on yet another tragedy struck in a form a flood in China. There were no warnings and no signs. Then again another tragedy struck in Mexico - A flood also I guess.

You see a pattern forming here. HAARP Research Facility ---> Weather Control Ability ---> Tragedies ---> Earthquake ----> Flood ---> UFO---> Aurora ---> UN Alien Ambassador ---> UFO Sighting China ---> Cloud Formations

and so forth.
NO, in this case MJ has got no significance to it.

NOW if you were to look as of last and this Months of September and October. Huge events took part, One of it is Personal in nature. My Marriage...YEP I got married in Sept 4th and that's a huge thing.But of course its insignificant to This Topic..(JUST LETTING YOU GUYS/GALS KNOW tats All )

Second was quite newer in October 2010, The UN has just appointed an Extra-Terrestial Ambassador for Planet Earth should we make First Contact. A Malaysian doctor by the name of Dr. Mazlan Othman was appointed the person for the job.
Just a few weeks after that announcement, just about Yesterday a Report of UFO in China was released. It was even shown in YAHOO.COM.

But Whats the connection ? Its kinda simple, if you are able to do a bit of research and extrapolate evidence to back up a theory that may sound a bit far out. But connecting the dots will count when the information obtained is Actually inter-related to each event. Now there was a report of USAF aircraft that was being researched has had the ability to travel to Mach 6 which is 6 times the speed of sound.

They call this a Hypersonic Jet, its called Project Aurora. It does look like a UFO from far actually in Night. But in daytime it practically looks like a hovering Stealth looking and Triangle shaped fighter. If you do research on Mach 6 even on You tube videos you'd be able to see how the clouds form when a plane reaches Mach 5. Then Search again for videos contain UFO china, you should see one video where you see a some sort of UFO looking streak of clouds and then it bursts and disappears. Funny thing is when you see the RECENT picture of the UFO sighting in China, would reveal a weird looking UFO with lights in the bottom.

But hey, there were view windows on a UFO ??? View Windows ??? Come on, you may fool hundreds and thousands but not everyone. I made a pencil draw of the picture found in Yahoo. and guess what, When I google Searched Aurora, there was picture that was in an EXACT design right down to the looks on what I drew. Know this...IM NO Piccaso or Da Vinci to draw picture perfect portraits. It was basically a schoolboy doodle thingy and yet the designs for Aurora I saw in Google was amazingly similiar. Now imagine the same pic at night and light reflections from the bottom, would naturally look like a freakin UFO.

In October 2009 Iran was testing thier missles when suddenly they saw a streak in the clouds just behind the missle. It was thought to be a UFO also. But Scientist has confirmed that it was speeding on great speeds. Actually it was within Man limits at it was traveling in Mach 4. It IS Aurora, the US has been and will STILL be monitoring 3rd World Countries for years to come. Mainly because its part of thier Security purpose. They keep their friends close, but they keep thier enemies Closer. Not one country will be able to penetrate the US mainly because of the Technological advances of thier war machine.