
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another 3 Months of No Updates.Why ?

Well is my Blog gonna be update every 3 months once ? Well, the main reason is as the AVP of Universal Management Team, we manage everything. However, there is a scare and paranoia going around humanity about the year 2012. Well, we have yet to receive any updates from HIS words yet. Therefore all I can say is maybe its gonna be just another day. Just like what happened back in Dec 1998, when the clock struck 12 am, everybody thought the world will end in 1999. Then again, 1 year after it was the Millenium new year, But as far as I can remember 2000 was a party Most of us will never forget. It was because of the amount of pleasure we can get (in the clubs and bars and New Yr party hotspots) and the amount of fear we had on our computer systems back home ( will it crash or simply stop functioning? ). But 12am struck and nothing happened, it was just another Saturday night. Yeah sure there were fireworks but came monday its Business as usual. So all you doom sayers and paranoid freaks out there.. Come Dec 23rd rite ? if Im not mistaken 2012, Nothing will happen. No Asteroids, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or Tidal wave tsunamis coupled with volcanoes. Nope, when 12am rings on 23rd Dec 2012, its just gonna be yet another Sunday. That morning people will get up late and some may go to work, Then mebbe the paranoia strikes again. As far as Id know, we shall be back only back in April 2011. Need to collect the information for the next 6 months or so. Then will start creating the masterplan.

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