
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 3

As per the initiatives and the main points discussed in Part 2. The rabbit hole does go a whole lot deeper than that.

Most of the pointers mentioned, unfortunately you will not be able to do further reading on the subject mainly because its not even up yet. And the people behind this master plans however have created various different agencies or bogus companies to hide thier true intentions. For example : GICF is now disguising themselves as who knows probably some business research and development centre.

The 1M1R has been changed to IMIR and is currently a company that deals with the studies of christians and islam inter cultural studies that set in the european countries. Scary thought but they are also studying the loop holes and then slowly find ways to cover them when the time is right.

So as you can see, the resources for such organizations are now being played around. The reason being as most communities are actually becoming more and more technologically sound. Therefore the even the people behind the master planners need to flex thier muscles themselves. So whats this goota do with HAARP? with Aurora? with the sky shows ?? How Am I to believe you ?

Simple, now this threat is an Asteroid pre programmed to hit earth. So now the master planners, create HAARP, do the test to see if soundwaves can create earthquakes with precise accuracy, to test the invisible curtain using the sodium layer. Aurora will help make that happen. Because of its incredible speed, it will be able to fly past and make rounds around the world. At the same time, the nearly 200,000 sattelites that is currently orbiting earth will be able to shoot the laser and project a hologram of a GOD, on the sodium layer. It will project a golobal Hologram of GOD called MAITREYA advicing us about the on coming threat and that THIS NEW GOD will be able to help us humanity against this threat. Obviously, this will be the Sky Show as per pre determined.

What happens after that will be huge and massive amounts of viral videos, CNN broadcast, the world will be in a great confusion. Governments will start blaming each other for trying to lie to humanity. Governments will start taking sides, and before we know it. There goes a full fledged world war. Meanwhile, that pre programmed asteroid is still on the verge on our planet. And then like a Miracle, HAARP will use thier invisible curtain, using soundwaves and to move the asteroid away from the path. Therefore we are saved. This is when the Ancients will return and will then give us the next level for us. This next level of advancement is greater than any we have ever dreamed. They will introduce the power of the cosmos. Space travels, ways to preserve human bodies into an immortal like state, power to colonize other planets and start to mine for resources. This has always been the dream of the ancients.

But I would shudder to think that this was most probably been the elaborate plan
from the ancients from the very dawn of humanity.

Back to the parts of the master plans as been told previously, The threat of the ancients has been more real that you could fathom. Whats worse is that the threat is becoming more and more real as time goes.From now all the way in the near 3 years time, you will be seeing the news media injecting many fears, paranoia and playing with emotions of the people to start making humanity itself ready for the next order. So time will tell if what I have told u is the truth. Am I being paranoid just by telling you this, maybe I am, maybe I am not. But what its worth. I really wish that I was proven wrong. This would at least put my mind and my thoughts to a full stop rest.

But Remember....THIS IS STILL PARTS OF THE MASTER PLAN....its not the whole, its not begginning nor the end. We are FAR from it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 2

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 2

So as per the previous we have been the universe's 1st ever Noise pollutant, we have attracted many unwanted attention. So therefore the Ancient beings have yet again returned and advice us to stay quiet and stay put. Just build up our civilization up to game before making all the noise on the galaxy.

So what happened was, they once again passed us some technology, but this time in the method of DNA re-engineering. They started to interject thoughts of men to start a technological revolution. The main reason behind this was because, there IS a threat. The ancients has recieved a Threat in the form of an on-coming intelligent civilization that has taken interest in our planet.

This intelligent civilization are first assesing our level of threat to them, they are first sending in one of thier pre-engineered asteroids that is on a deadfall right on our planet.They would like to see the levels of our defence mecahnisms and see how we are going to protect our world. The Ancients who is here many many years ago adviced the preists and shamens of human civilizations in the past, namely the MAYANS or SUMERIANS. Mayans however created a calendar of events that will come to past. They wanted to keep track of the things that will happen on our planet. BUT THEY DID NOT foresee that they're own civilization and entire people will be wiped out thru time.

So what we have today is actually the Mayan calendars that is nearly buried in the rocks.A few decades later, in another country and in another civilization, there came a following of brotherhood who is dedicated to help all of humanity. For years they have started to work on plans upon plans and execute them as neccesary to be carried out. This brotherhood started to recruit many influential inviduals from politics, religions, professors, the rich and intelligents came together to work for the good of humanity.

These groups however has been scrutinized and been subjected to many critics.These groups of people began to recruit all over the world and has been sending out thier plans all along. The plan is this :

+ Create the "ONE" system for the whole world. Countries starting thier individual "1 Programs" ie : Israel, India, Pakistan, Malaysia.

+ Centralize thoughts of all humankind, mindset and the civilization itself. Ie the CIA Psyonics MK-Ultra programme.

+ Create the invisible curtain in the atmosphere to stop sound and other global threats. ie HAARPs ionizing soundwaves and creation of artificial atmospheres for anti-extraterrestial warfare mecahnisms such as pre-programmed asteroids, microbiological surges or viral sprays from the sun.

+ Control and disseminating of real time information to the mind instantly to all.
ie : MK-Ultra and Chipset integration for worldwide customs registrations.

+ Removal of obstacles in religion, beliefs, pagans, to pave the way for a scientific rational belief system. ie : the global 1M1R (1Mindset 1 Religion) programme

+ Learn and explore beyond the space and cosmos. ie Nasa's (National Astronomical Space Agency) space explorations, and SETI's (Search of Extraterrestial Intelligence) divisons.

+ Connect and discover of different intelligent civilizations and re-invent it to humankinds purpose. ie : GICF(Global Intelligence Civilization Federation) SETI, NASA and United Nations collarborated effort with unifying all of the commonwealth 1 Governments and other political systems and NGO's.

+ Colonization of human space colonies around the inhabitational planets and surrounding moons and satelites. ie NASA's Study on the colonization effort on Europa (moon on jupiter)

This practically the first set of the Master plan. Look and see further part 3 in the Master plan.

Parts of the Master Plan

Dear Humanity,

Part 1 of Master Plan

Keeping consistent in a time and place where you have to juggle work, family, friends, managers and co-leagues alike is hard, but not impossible. As to in keeping time management in managing this blog, well....Id have to apologise then for the inconsistencies.

Now on with the topic at hand. Its called as Parts of the Master Plan. What is the master plan ? who is involved and who will be affected? All this will be answered in this part of the blog. The master plan is actually a culmination of plans that has started years, in fact ages ago.

Right at the dawn humanity we have been visited by an ancient celestial race of beings. Throughout our ancient history, religion has taught us about the coming of the gods, angels, messiah's, devas, etc. They came down mostly to advice us about the future and what is bound to happen in the future.Now are they aliens ? or are they the saviours or gods? In true fact whatever form they take, they are forever known as the celestial light beings. They are the ones who created enlightenment and pass it on to humanity's finest.

They came down and started to provide us with knowledge, technology, historical legends, religious stories and beliefs, even through interjection through thier inter-mixing of thier DNA's. The main objective for thier actions were actually in advancing our current knowledge, technology, lifestyle. They were preparing us to start living up to the game. Throughout the scientific era, they have been pounding us with knowledge about the stars, cosmos and etc.

We on the other hand have also been trying to commune with other extra-terrestials in space, in hope of finding or contacting them by any means.What we have done is also sending out radio, microwave signals, radio telecasts and even signals that reaches out to the furthest reaches of space. So most of them have heard it and realizes that we as human beings started to become the universe's 1st ever Noise Pollution problem.