
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Parts of the Master Plan

Dear Humanity,

Part 1 of Master Plan

Keeping consistent in a time and place where you have to juggle work, family, friends, managers and co-leagues alike is hard, but not impossible. As to in keeping time management in managing this blog, well....Id have to apologise then for the inconsistencies.

Now on with the topic at hand. Its called as Parts of the Master Plan. What is the master plan ? who is involved and who will be affected? All this will be answered in this part of the blog. The master plan is actually a culmination of plans that has started years, in fact ages ago.

Right at the dawn humanity we have been visited by an ancient celestial race of beings. Throughout our ancient history, religion has taught us about the coming of the gods, angels, messiah's, devas, etc. They came down mostly to advice us about the future and what is bound to happen in the future.Now are they aliens ? or are they the saviours or gods? In true fact whatever form they take, they are forever known as the celestial light beings. They are the ones who created enlightenment and pass it on to humanity's finest.

They came down and started to provide us with knowledge, technology, historical legends, religious stories and beliefs, even through interjection through thier inter-mixing of thier DNA's. The main objective for thier actions were actually in advancing our current knowledge, technology, lifestyle. They were preparing us to start living up to the game. Throughout the scientific era, they have been pounding us with knowledge about the stars, cosmos and etc.

We on the other hand have also been trying to commune with other extra-terrestials in space, in hope of finding or contacting them by any means.What we have done is also sending out radio, microwave signals, radio telecasts and even signals that reaches out to the furthest reaches of space. So most of them have heard it and realizes that we as human beings started to become the universe's 1st ever Noise Pollution problem.

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