
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Positive Perspective Of Life

The master plans that has been said earlier though can be frigtening and fearful at times were meant to actually frighten people or to make thm submit into mass panic or into hysteria.

These plans were laid down actually to re-introduce a newer and more sustainable change into the mindset of society we have today. Take a good brief look and you will see that society has changed all the more for the worse. The people from the top or the elite view as this world a ripe fruit to be taken and eaten. Meanwhile there are millions of others who are poor and comes from broken homes, they too deserve thier right to live.

Nature however may will upon the survival of the fittest, but that belongs to the Animal kingdom that we do not properly fathom. We as human are a young new species. We may believe that we are the strongest, or the most intelligent ones, but in actual fact we may be more like the freaks of nature. The Mutants to the eyes of the animal kingdom. We have been subjecting ourselve to be tortured, mangled by our own doing. It is by our own doing that will eventually bring about our downfall.

But through the dust and ashes, rises like a Phoenix or a Dragon...a Newer lifeform that has already experienced our shortcomings from the past. We as human would evolve furrther into another more powerfull form of life itself. One who is truly enlightened and one who is completely aware of the entire universe. We will view the entire whole as we are part of it and we will then begin to appreciate the power of nature and we will begin to invent our systems, our lifestyles around the nature.

Already, many people around the world have felt and have understood the bitter and harsh effects of nature when we start tampering with them for instance the Global Warming effects, the climate change effects and overall intensity of natural global trajedies, its all caused by our own doing. Just imagine our planet as a Human body, with the clouds being the eyes, the skies being the head, the seas/oceans the hands and the grounds of the earth as its legs. The trees as its muscles, mountains are parts of the bones, spine, organs and the nerves. While the Animals, insects and Humans are all the Micro-organisms that lives inside this huge body we call as PLANET EARTH.

Now as you might all know,inside a human body lies Trillions upon Trillions of various forms of Micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, antibodies and etc. Now whenever we get a flu or a sore throat or a fever, now the actual cause of this sickness may have been from a foriegn form of bacteria or virus that enters our bodies and starts to replicate and causes havoc. But not all hope is lost, our own body can start to build antibodies microorganisms to fight this foriegn viruses. Thus our flu or fever only lasts for at least a week the most.

Now if Our Planet gets sick, dont you think that our planet will start sending out its own set of antibodies to destroy the bacterias or viruses ? The ways I look at it is that we are slowly evolving into a dangerous contagious virus on this planet. We are killing other microorganisms animals and begin to cut down the trees, and build our buildings and create developments.

Just the way a virus would react. It kills other organisms for sustance, start to create its own home by cocooning itself or create mucus and lives inside of it, and then it replicate itself. ARENT WE SHOWING THE SAME SIGNS ?? Arent Society being forced to live in the same manner. What we are not ready for is the on-coming ANTIBODIES thats going to destroy all of us as a whole very soon. We are not so great a virus, we have tampered on the body of this Planet, but when Nature fights back we will fall hard.

So before Nature fights us back, we need to somehow REDEFINE ourselves, we need to change ourselves from being a Virus, we change and become an Antibody, that will live in a symbiant circle with Nature. We need to change our lifestyle to a way in which we co-exist with this world. That means we live our life by being mutually benefecial to this Planet.

Thousands of years ago, Mankind were living in this manner, we would farm, herd and maintain an order with the natural world around us. We respect the fruits of labour that we get, through our toil, we will get our food and nature on its own also will create a bountifull amount of resources for us. THIS IS THE LIFE WE MUST NOW REALIZE AND START TO LIVE AGAIN. But in order for society to change immediately, its only natural for so much of resistance by many individuals. Therefore the masterplan was laid out for the destruction of half of all mankind on this planet.

After the destruction only then can we hope for a Better tommorow.After the deaths of thousands society will change its mindset, and begin to re-organize and restructure ourselves to be aligned with nature itself. Once we begin to start this re-alignment only then will we be recieving visitation by our ancestral lifeforms.

We look to them as Alien species or creatures but in actual true fact, they were here thousands of years ago. They were the first ones who taught us to toil in the lands and learn to discover ourselves with this Planet. They WILL eventually meet us once again and teach us how to live with this world but this time we will play an active role in preserving our planet as well as upgrading our lifestyle to up to thier levels.

So in my point of view, I view the end of the world as a more positive manner as Id know it will be the time of a new beginning in the chapter of humanity. In actual fact, I dont think it will be the end of the world, its just the end of one chapter in Humanities existense on this planet called earth. This world will long survive us.


* There is a NEW study upon Green Technology that is really awesome and if proven true, IT WILL TRULY change the way we live PERMANENTLY.

* This Green Technological breakthru is harnessing Oxigen and Hydrogen and many other flamable gases. It uses the same processes that a plant uses, a form of Electrolysis.

* Imagine we can derive Hydrogen and Nitrogen which can be turned flamable from this Electrolysis process.

* The Hydrogen and Nitrogen released can be used to generate great amounts of electricity. An entire City can be lit up using this process. Its inexpensive as it only uses the power from the Sun.

* This new Green Technology Power station Generator that will allow sunlight and ultra violet to give this the electrolysis process to generate Hydrogen and Nitrogen which the power generators will use to charge up the electricity. Smoke emissions will not be even there. So its also a clean Green Technological breakthru

* We are looking at a sustainable and INFINITE amounts of power. HUMANKIND should really focus and emphasize on this Technology, its is an Ultimate breakthru and imagine the kinds of powerfull technology we can further create by using the power of Nature. When we are able to make Resources Infinite, WARS will become Obsolete !! We will then push further to a limit of even changing and meta morphing to different planets.

* We are even looking at Colonisation of Planets for Humankind, Bountifull lands, the Possibilities are LIMITLESS, and I believe that its should be mutually beneficial to both the greedy ones and the normal morderated ones. SO humankind, please do take this new scientific Green Technological Breakthru Seriously and Change Our Lifestyle as a Whole.

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