
Monday, February 13, 2012

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 4

As per the master plan pt 3, I told that you that there will be the Sky Show, mass riots in the streets, and which become an all drawn out world war. But what happens right in between this time is the real bone cruncher.


Now, lets trace a few years back now shall we ? Back in April 2009 there was a report the Swine Flu which slowly became a pandemic outbreak, crossing nations and killing thousands. I have experienced to such an extent where people had to wear mask in the trains, buses and commuting transports just to go to work. Its started in Veracruz Mexico. Funny isnt it? It just had to start in the US labeled Third world country Mexico ? U really think it was a natural incident for pigs to roam around Veracruz? The city was in a coastal line, you can find birds, lots of endemic birds, lots of culture and rich in resources. But then there it started the Pandemic Swinew Flu.

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