
Saturday, February 11, 2012


Below is the steps of life and memories for the average joe and jill on this planet called Earth.

Step 1 : Go To School and Study Hard (Pass Exams in flying colors)

Step 2 : Go To College or Uni (Get Diploma, Degree or PHD's)

Step 3 : Go To Work, work hard and get a high pay. (Save the money for step 4 )

Step 4 : Used saved money to buy house, car and raise a family.

Step 5 : Have kids and use the money saved for thier well being.

Step 6 : Getting older, still working, Invest a bit for insurance for future. Save money for kids ed.

Step 7 : Retire and use the money saved for Kids Uni or Coll Education. The balance use for trips, vacations or holy pilgrimages.

Step 8 : Get real old, get bored of everything and start to forget everything.

Step 9 : Die "SO-CALLED" peacefully and meet god.

Step 10 : GOD asks us during judgment, so in the whole lifetime and your life cycle. You only remembered me on Step 7. But its okay, you still have a place in Heaven cos you still remembered me. But I have someone else MUCH MORE Closer to me. He remembered me every single day of his life in fact everything he gets, he owns, and he has, he regards it as a charity from God. He is thankfull for the life that he has got. Even in the end, in his last breath and in the last second, he remembered me. Therefore, Today I REMEMBER HIM FOR ALL ETERNITY !

Nice story isnt it? How many of you really remembers that This was actually from an ancient hindu scripture? It was a story of how Lord Vishnu teaches his holy sage Narada a thing of two about MAYA and Life. In the end, a farmer was Lord Vishnu's Greatest devotee, due to his simple rememberance of the lords name. Narada was foolish to think he was the greatest devotee. Lord Vishnu put him to a test of Life of Maya. So he went on living his life getting married with kids and all the while he forgot to mention his name. Only when EVERYTHING was taken away from him, his family, his kids, his house only then He remembered GOD. Lord Vishnu told him that the farmer they met earlier had Hard Work to do, YET he remembered the Lord. NARADA bowed his head to Lord Vishnu for opening his eyes.

So people, PLEASE DO OPEN YOUR EYES see GOD in everything, cherish what you have and PLEASE DO REMEMBER HIM.


violet values said...

This is so true...sometimes i feel so guilty of remembering god only at my hard times, but never at the good times. How much I forget God?

'Ma' means not & "Ya" means that. Maya literally means "not that".
We live in a delusional state cause we are so busy chasing worldly things-when what the fact is, when we were born we had already been given everything we need. Funny how we forget to be thankful for that.

The Mahablogger said...

Well Said Violet. True directly to the point.

We always seem to forget to be thankful for what we have been given. We take every single part in our life in even every second for granted.

Mahablogger has really outdone himself this time. Cheers Bro :)