
Monday, February 13, 2012

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 4

As per the master plan pt 3, I told that you that there will be the Sky Show, mass riots in the streets, and which become an all drawn out world war. But what happens right in between this time is the real bone cruncher.


Now, lets trace a few years back now shall we ? Back in April 2009 there was a report the Swine Flu which slowly became a pandemic outbreak, crossing nations and killing thousands. I have experienced to such an extent where people had to wear mask in the trains, buses and commuting transports just to go to work. Its started in Veracruz Mexico. Funny isnt it? It just had to start in the US labeled Third world country Mexico ? U really think it was a natural incident for pigs to roam around Veracruz? The city was in a coastal line, you can find birds, lots of endemic birds, lots of culture and rich in resources. But then there it started the Pandemic Swinew Flu.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Below is the steps of life and memories for the average joe and jill on this planet called Earth.

Step 1 : Go To School and Study Hard (Pass Exams in flying colors)

Step 2 : Go To College or Uni (Get Diploma, Degree or PHD's)

Step 3 : Go To Work, work hard and get a high pay. (Save the money for step 4 )

Step 4 : Used saved money to buy house, car and raise a family.

Step 5 : Have kids and use the money saved for thier well being.

Step 6 : Getting older, still working, Invest a bit for insurance for future. Save money for kids ed.

Step 7 : Retire and use the money saved for Kids Uni or Coll Education. The balance use for trips, vacations or holy pilgrimages.

Step 8 : Get real old, get bored of everything and start to forget everything.

Step 9 : Die "SO-CALLED" peacefully and meet god.

Step 10 : GOD asks us during judgment, so in the whole lifetime and your life cycle. You only remembered me on Step 7. But its okay, you still have a place in Heaven cos you still remembered me. But I have someone else MUCH MORE Closer to me. He remembered me every single day of his life in fact everything he gets, he owns, and he has, he regards it as a charity from God. He is thankfull for the life that he has got. Even in the end, in his last breath and in the last second, he remembered me. Therefore, Today I REMEMBER HIM FOR ALL ETERNITY !

Nice story isnt it? How many of you really remembers that This was actually from an ancient hindu scripture? It was a story of how Lord Vishnu teaches his holy sage Narada a thing of two about MAYA and Life. In the end, a farmer was Lord Vishnu's Greatest devotee, due to his simple rememberance of the lords name. Narada was foolish to think he was the greatest devotee. Lord Vishnu put him to a test of Life of Maya. So he went on living his life getting married with kids and all the while he forgot to mention his name. Only when EVERYTHING was taken away from him, his family, his kids, his house only then He remembered GOD. Lord Vishnu told him that the farmer they met earlier had Hard Work to do, YET he remembered the Lord. NARADA bowed his head to Lord Vishnu for opening his eyes.

So people, PLEASE DO OPEN YOUR EYES see GOD in everything, cherish what you have and PLEASE DO REMEMBER HIM.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

THE MAHABLOGGER: The F.E.A.R. Methodology

THE MAHABLOGGER: The F.E.A.R. Methodology

The F.E.A.R. Methodology

F : Friend
E : Enemy
A : Attrition
R : Rebuilding

This is an age old methodology of controlling society. Ancient civilizations had always used the concept of F.E.A.R in maintaining control over the people thru many mechanisms in place in the fields of politics, religion, education, economy and resources.Lets delve deeper to the dynamics of this F.E.A.R. methodology :-

1) F : Friend
Friends are also known as allies or people who are part of the system who makes up a council or an elite member. This people are the governing front and would most of the time be visible to the eyes of the public. They are needed as to be like poster boys or the politicians who puts up a smile to the public whilst enforcing the control mechanisms.

2) E : Enemy
The concept of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is held true in this case. Enemy in here does not mean adversary. They are not truly ones who would go against our wishes. They are all part of the same ploy. They are needed in order for the control mechanisms to be put on strong hold. Consider the following : Would there be a need for a Police force in a land where EVERY single person follows the laws and abides by them ? Its a resounding NO. But crime, criminals, sins and sinners are needed even in paradise. They are needed so that humanity can learn from the reprisals and tests that these criminals and sinners go thru.

For instance, as long as there is a police force that keeps locking up criminals. Society will forever be confident enough to know that crime does pay, and you will pay a heavy price for breaking the law. Its a strong way to make a point and maintain control over the masses. The enemy on this methodology almost appears invisible most of the time, and its normally hidden from public eye for a very important purposes.

3) A : Attrition
Attrition in this sense would be the slow destruction or wear and tear of the previous 2 mechanisms in place. The relationship of friends and enemy's will slowly begin to erode and be eaten away. This is where the changes that needed to be initially inforced would be executed.

For instance in a country where the governments has many different parties for an election. Friends and enemies are created, both sides will keep telling good and bad stories in exchange. The people will slowly begin to see that there is the good guys and the bad guys.But in actual fact, its part of thier plan to actually make sure that the people begin to be divided. Some would support the good guys parties, or else the bad guys parties. But in actual fact they are both under the same roof. Thier simply pooling thier power for thier own benefits.In the end it will always lead to a win-win situation for both parties.

4) R : Re-Building
Re-builiding in this sense would be the recyling of the same old concepts. First friends are formed, then we introduce the enemies. Then there is a WAR between two sides, where the people are divided and then there is the rebuilding, where both sides will stop the war and a sense of peace is resounded, and before you know it this same methodology is repeated once again in another cycle.

The F.E.A.R Methodology is part of the entire DIVIDE & CONQUER ruling mechansims. For more information on the divide and conquer in politics and sociology. Please read the following link :

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Positive Perspective Of Life

The master plans that has been said earlier though can be frigtening and fearful at times were meant to actually frighten people or to make thm submit into mass panic or into hysteria.

These plans were laid down actually to re-introduce a newer and more sustainable change into the mindset of society we have today. Take a good brief look and you will see that society has changed all the more for the worse. The people from the top or the elite view as this world a ripe fruit to be taken and eaten. Meanwhile there are millions of others who are poor and comes from broken homes, they too deserve thier right to live.

Nature however may will upon the survival of the fittest, but that belongs to the Animal kingdom that we do not properly fathom. We as human are a young new species. We may believe that we are the strongest, or the most intelligent ones, but in actual fact we may be more like the freaks of nature. The Mutants to the eyes of the animal kingdom. We have been subjecting ourselve to be tortured, mangled by our own doing. It is by our own doing that will eventually bring about our downfall.

But through the dust and ashes, rises like a Phoenix or a Dragon...a Newer lifeform that has already experienced our shortcomings from the past. We as human would evolve furrther into another more powerfull form of life itself. One who is truly enlightened and one who is completely aware of the entire universe. We will view the entire whole as we are part of it and we will then begin to appreciate the power of nature and we will begin to invent our systems, our lifestyles around the nature.

Already, many people around the world have felt and have understood the bitter and harsh effects of nature when we start tampering with them for instance the Global Warming effects, the climate change effects and overall intensity of natural global trajedies, its all caused by our own doing. Just imagine our planet as a Human body, with the clouds being the eyes, the skies being the head, the seas/oceans the hands and the grounds of the earth as its legs. The trees as its muscles, mountains are parts of the bones, spine, organs and the nerves. While the Animals, insects and Humans are all the Micro-organisms that lives inside this huge body we call as PLANET EARTH.

Now as you might all know,inside a human body lies Trillions upon Trillions of various forms of Micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, antibodies and etc. Now whenever we get a flu or a sore throat or a fever, now the actual cause of this sickness may have been from a foriegn form of bacteria or virus that enters our bodies and starts to replicate and causes havoc. But not all hope is lost, our own body can start to build antibodies microorganisms to fight this foriegn viruses. Thus our flu or fever only lasts for at least a week the most.

Now if Our Planet gets sick, dont you think that our planet will start sending out its own set of antibodies to destroy the bacterias or viruses ? The ways I look at it is that we are slowly evolving into a dangerous contagious virus on this planet. We are killing other microorganisms animals and begin to cut down the trees, and build our buildings and create developments.

Just the way a virus would react. It kills other organisms for sustance, start to create its own home by cocooning itself or create mucus and lives inside of it, and then it replicate itself. ARENT WE SHOWING THE SAME SIGNS ?? Arent Society being forced to live in the same manner. What we are not ready for is the on-coming ANTIBODIES thats going to destroy all of us as a whole very soon. We are not so great a virus, we have tampered on the body of this Planet, but when Nature fights back we will fall hard.

So before Nature fights us back, we need to somehow REDEFINE ourselves, we need to change ourselves from being a Virus, we change and become an Antibody, that will live in a symbiant circle with Nature. We need to change our lifestyle to a way in which we co-exist with this world. That means we live our life by being mutually benefecial to this Planet.

Thousands of years ago, Mankind were living in this manner, we would farm, herd and maintain an order with the natural world around us. We respect the fruits of labour that we get, through our toil, we will get our food and nature on its own also will create a bountifull amount of resources for us. THIS IS THE LIFE WE MUST NOW REALIZE AND START TO LIVE AGAIN. But in order for society to change immediately, its only natural for so much of resistance by many individuals. Therefore the masterplan was laid out for the destruction of half of all mankind on this planet.

After the destruction only then can we hope for a Better tommorow.After the deaths of thousands society will change its mindset, and begin to re-organize and restructure ourselves to be aligned with nature itself. Once we begin to start this re-alignment only then will we be recieving visitation by our ancestral lifeforms.

We look to them as Alien species or creatures but in actual true fact, they were here thousands of years ago. They were the first ones who taught us to toil in the lands and learn to discover ourselves with this Planet. They WILL eventually meet us once again and teach us how to live with this world but this time we will play an active role in preserving our planet as well as upgrading our lifestyle to up to thier levels.

So in my point of view, I view the end of the world as a more positive manner as Id know it will be the time of a new beginning in the chapter of humanity. In actual fact, I dont think it will be the end of the world, its just the end of one chapter in Humanities existense on this planet called earth. This world will long survive us.


* There is a NEW study upon Green Technology that is really awesome and if proven true, IT WILL TRULY change the way we live PERMANENTLY.

* This Green Technological breakthru is harnessing Oxigen and Hydrogen and many other flamable gases. It uses the same processes that a plant uses, a form of Electrolysis.

* Imagine we can derive Hydrogen and Nitrogen which can be turned flamable from this Electrolysis process.

* The Hydrogen and Nitrogen released can be used to generate great amounts of electricity. An entire City can be lit up using this process. Its inexpensive as it only uses the power from the Sun.

* This new Green Technology Power station Generator that will allow sunlight and ultra violet to give this the electrolysis process to generate Hydrogen and Nitrogen which the power generators will use to charge up the electricity. Smoke emissions will not be even there. So its also a clean Green Technological breakthru

* We are looking at a sustainable and INFINITE amounts of power. HUMANKIND should really focus and emphasize on this Technology, its is an Ultimate breakthru and imagine the kinds of powerfull technology we can further create by using the power of Nature. When we are able to make Resources Infinite, WARS will become Obsolete !! We will then push further to a limit of even changing and meta morphing to different planets.

* We are even looking at Colonisation of Planets for Humankind, Bountifull lands, the Possibilities are LIMITLESS, and I believe that its should be mutually beneficial to both the greedy ones and the normal morderated ones. SO humankind, please do take this new scientific Green Technological Breakthru Seriously and Change Our Lifestyle as a Whole.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 3

As per the initiatives and the main points discussed in Part 2. The rabbit hole does go a whole lot deeper than that.

Most of the pointers mentioned, unfortunately you will not be able to do further reading on the subject mainly because its not even up yet. And the people behind this master plans however have created various different agencies or bogus companies to hide thier true intentions. For example : GICF is now disguising themselves as who knows probably some business research and development centre.

The 1M1R has been changed to IMIR and is currently a company that deals with the studies of christians and islam inter cultural studies that set in the european countries. Scary thought but they are also studying the loop holes and then slowly find ways to cover them when the time is right.

So as you can see, the resources for such organizations are now being played around. The reason being as most communities are actually becoming more and more technologically sound. Therefore the even the people behind the master planners need to flex thier muscles themselves. So whats this goota do with HAARP? with Aurora? with the sky shows ?? How Am I to believe you ?

Simple, now this threat is an Asteroid pre programmed to hit earth. So now the master planners, create HAARP, do the test to see if soundwaves can create earthquakes with precise accuracy, to test the invisible curtain using the sodium layer. Aurora will help make that happen. Because of its incredible speed, it will be able to fly past and make rounds around the world. At the same time, the nearly 200,000 sattelites that is currently orbiting earth will be able to shoot the laser and project a hologram of a GOD, on the sodium layer. It will project a golobal Hologram of GOD called MAITREYA advicing us about the on coming threat and that THIS NEW GOD will be able to help us humanity against this threat. Obviously, this will be the Sky Show as per pre determined.

What happens after that will be huge and massive amounts of viral videos, CNN broadcast, the world will be in a great confusion. Governments will start blaming each other for trying to lie to humanity. Governments will start taking sides, and before we know it. There goes a full fledged world war. Meanwhile, that pre programmed asteroid is still on the verge on our planet. And then like a Miracle, HAARP will use thier invisible curtain, using soundwaves and to move the asteroid away from the path. Therefore we are saved. This is when the Ancients will return and will then give us the next level for us. This next level of advancement is greater than any we have ever dreamed. They will introduce the power of the cosmos. Space travels, ways to preserve human bodies into an immortal like state, power to colonize other planets and start to mine for resources. This has always been the dream of the ancients.

But I would shudder to think that this was most probably been the elaborate plan
from the ancients from the very dawn of humanity.

Back to the parts of the master plans as been told previously, The threat of the ancients has been more real that you could fathom. Whats worse is that the threat is becoming more and more real as time goes.From now all the way in the near 3 years time, you will be seeing the news media injecting many fears, paranoia and playing with emotions of the people to start making humanity itself ready for the next order. So time will tell if what I have told u is the truth. Am I being paranoid just by telling you this, maybe I am, maybe I am not. But what its worth. I really wish that I was proven wrong. This would at least put my mind and my thoughts to a full stop rest.

But Remember....THIS IS STILL PARTS OF THE MASTER PLAN....its not the whole, its not begginning nor the end. We are FAR from it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 2

Parts of the Master Plan : Part 2

So as per the previous we have been the universe's 1st ever Noise pollutant, we have attracted many unwanted attention. So therefore the Ancient beings have yet again returned and advice us to stay quiet and stay put. Just build up our civilization up to game before making all the noise on the galaxy.

So what happened was, they once again passed us some technology, but this time in the method of DNA re-engineering. They started to interject thoughts of men to start a technological revolution. The main reason behind this was because, there IS a threat. The ancients has recieved a Threat in the form of an on-coming intelligent civilization that has taken interest in our planet.

This intelligent civilization are first assesing our level of threat to them, they are first sending in one of thier pre-engineered asteroids that is on a deadfall right on our planet.They would like to see the levels of our defence mecahnisms and see how we are going to protect our world. The Ancients who is here many many years ago adviced the preists and shamens of human civilizations in the past, namely the MAYANS or SUMERIANS. Mayans however created a calendar of events that will come to past. They wanted to keep track of the things that will happen on our planet. BUT THEY DID NOT foresee that they're own civilization and entire people will be wiped out thru time.

So what we have today is actually the Mayan calendars that is nearly buried in the rocks.A few decades later, in another country and in another civilization, there came a following of brotherhood who is dedicated to help all of humanity. For years they have started to work on plans upon plans and execute them as neccesary to be carried out. This brotherhood started to recruit many influential inviduals from politics, religions, professors, the rich and intelligents came together to work for the good of humanity.

These groups however has been scrutinized and been subjected to many critics.These groups of people began to recruit all over the world and has been sending out thier plans all along. The plan is this :

+ Create the "ONE" system for the whole world. Countries starting thier individual "1 Programs" ie : Israel, India, Pakistan, Malaysia.

+ Centralize thoughts of all humankind, mindset and the civilization itself. Ie the CIA Psyonics MK-Ultra programme.

+ Create the invisible curtain in the atmosphere to stop sound and other global threats. ie HAARPs ionizing soundwaves and creation of artificial atmospheres for anti-extraterrestial warfare mecahnisms such as pre-programmed asteroids, microbiological surges or viral sprays from the sun.

+ Control and disseminating of real time information to the mind instantly to all.
ie : MK-Ultra and Chipset integration for worldwide customs registrations.

+ Removal of obstacles in religion, beliefs, pagans, to pave the way for a scientific rational belief system. ie : the global 1M1R (1Mindset 1 Religion) programme

+ Learn and explore beyond the space and cosmos. ie Nasa's (National Astronomical Space Agency) space explorations, and SETI's (Search of Extraterrestial Intelligence) divisons.

+ Connect and discover of different intelligent civilizations and re-invent it to humankinds purpose. ie : GICF(Global Intelligence Civilization Federation) SETI, NASA and United Nations collarborated effort with unifying all of the commonwealth 1 Governments and other political systems and NGO's.

+ Colonization of human space colonies around the inhabitational planets and surrounding moons and satelites. ie NASA's Study on the colonization effort on Europa (moon on jupiter)

This practically the first set of the Master plan. Look and see further part 3 in the Master plan.

Parts of the Master Plan

Dear Humanity,

Part 1 of Master Plan

Keeping consistent in a time and place where you have to juggle work, family, friends, managers and co-leagues alike is hard, but not impossible. As to in keeping time management in managing this blog, well....Id have to apologise then for the inconsistencies.

Now on with the topic at hand. Its called as Parts of the Master Plan. What is the master plan ? who is involved and who will be affected? All this will be answered in this part of the blog. The master plan is actually a culmination of plans that has started years, in fact ages ago.

Right at the dawn humanity we have been visited by an ancient celestial race of beings. Throughout our ancient history, religion has taught us about the coming of the gods, angels, messiah's, devas, etc. They came down mostly to advice us about the future and what is bound to happen in the future.Now are they aliens ? or are they the saviours or gods? In true fact whatever form they take, they are forever known as the celestial light beings. They are the ones who created enlightenment and pass it on to humanity's finest.

They came down and started to provide us with knowledge, technology, historical legends, religious stories and beliefs, even through interjection through thier inter-mixing of thier DNA's. The main objective for thier actions were actually in advancing our current knowledge, technology, lifestyle. They were preparing us to start living up to the game. Throughout the scientific era, they have been pounding us with knowledge about the stars, cosmos and etc.

We on the other hand have also been trying to commune with other extra-terrestials in space, in hope of finding or contacting them by any means.What we have done is also sending out radio, microwave signals, radio telecasts and even signals that reaches out to the furthest reaches of space. So most of them have heard it and realizes that we as human beings started to become the universe's 1st ever Noise Pollution problem.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another 3 Months of No Updates.Why ?

Well is my Blog gonna be update every 3 months once ? Well, the main reason is as the AVP of Universal Management Team, we manage everything. However, there is a scare and paranoia going around humanity about the year 2012. Well, we have yet to receive any updates from HIS words yet. Therefore all I can say is maybe its gonna be just another day. Just like what happened back in Dec 1998, when the clock struck 12 am, everybody thought the world will end in 1999. Then again, 1 year after it was the Millenium new year, But as far as I can remember 2000 was a party Most of us will never forget. It was because of the amount of pleasure we can get (in the clubs and bars and New Yr party hotspots) and the amount of fear we had on our computer systems back home ( will it crash or simply stop functioning? ). But 12am struck and nothing happened, it was just another Saturday night. Yeah sure there were fireworks but came monday its Business as usual. So all you doom sayers and paranoid freaks out there.. Come Dec 23rd rite ? if Im not mistaken 2012, Nothing will happen. No Asteroids, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or Tidal wave tsunamis coupled with volcanoes. Nope, when 12am rings on 23rd Dec 2012, its just gonna be yet another Sunday. That morning people will get up late and some may go to work, Then mebbe the paranoia strikes again. As far as Id know, we shall be back only back in April 2011. Need to collect the information for the next 6 months or so. Then will start creating the masterplan.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

External Resources for : Connecting the dots on WorldEvents.

Now I do Understand that Adding the Videos would be good but Uploading them is a real pain the place where the sun don't shine. But since you asked, and I guess it would help I am however giving you the resource helping for the info. So here are the links to the videos in question : -


We Are The World 2010 : For Haiti

Floods in china - July 2010

Floods in Mexico - ALSO July 2010...What a co-inicidence rite ?

Dr Mazlan Othman - UN Alien Ambassador's Speech.

Chinese UFO with cloud Formation. - Related to Aurora

News report on NEWEST OCT 2010 China UFO sighting.

See how a MACH 1 Sonic Boom looks like in Close up. - Clouds formed by Aurora will be much bigger and longer since it travels in Mach 6.

The Video is called TR3B Aurora Astra UFO. - As you can see our Ancient Scriptures are true about Astra Vimana, or Chariot of the stars. This was written in stone millions of years ago. Co-incidence everyone ?

P.S. : About how I got this info...let's just say that I'm Part of the ORGANIZATION that really looks hard upon this matter and sees reactions. Our job is to Monitor.
A Sci-Fi movie that describes something like us coming out soon. Its called the Adjustment Bureau...Off course We are not GOD to monitor and Control EVERYTHING, but yeah, we do most of the monitoring...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Connecting the Dots on WorldWide Events : Ufo's, Alien Ambassadors, Aurora & HAARP

If you just would to look at newspapers today wherever you may be. Just see some of the headline stories you would be able to actually see a picture is forming.

For instance, first say back at 2009 and this year of 2010, we have experienced many eclipses in such a short timeline. There was the sun eclipse and then there was the moon eclipse. Then there was a report that US Researches are currently researching on the power sound waves to create full defensive measure for war its called as the HAARP research facility. It is said that this research facility has the ability to actually control weather patterns on the planet using Soundwaves emitters or transmitters. But its not been properly documented nor was it established. It was mere rumors and heresay's. But r u sure that officials are Actually gonna tell you abt it ? and not deny it as usual.

After a few months later....Tragedies struck, Micheal Jackson passed away and it was such a shock to the world, then came yet another tragedy in a form of an Earthquake in Haiti, many people died and suffered in that poor country. US started campaigning for rescue missions even set up a fund for foundation. A new WE ARE THE WORLD song was created for Haiti. This has connections to MJ, then later on yet another tragedy struck in a form a flood in China. There were no warnings and no signs. Then again another tragedy struck in Mexico - A flood also I guess.

You see a pattern forming here. HAARP Research Facility ---> Weather Control Ability ---> Tragedies ---> Earthquake ----> Flood ---> UFO---> Aurora ---> UN Alien Ambassador ---> UFO Sighting China ---> Cloud Formations

and so forth.
NO, in this case MJ has got no significance to it.

NOW if you were to look as of last and this Months of September and October. Huge events took part, One of it is Personal in nature. My Marriage...YEP I got married in Sept 4th and that's a huge thing.But of course its insignificant to This Topic..(JUST LETTING YOU GUYS/GALS KNOW tats All )

Second was quite newer in October 2010, The UN has just appointed an Extra-Terrestial Ambassador for Planet Earth should we make First Contact. A Malaysian doctor by the name of Dr. Mazlan Othman was appointed the person for the job.
Just a few weeks after that announcement, just about Yesterday a Report of UFO in China was released. It was even shown in YAHOO.COM.

But Whats the connection ? Its kinda simple, if you are able to do a bit of research and extrapolate evidence to back up a theory that may sound a bit far out. But connecting the dots will count when the information obtained is Actually inter-related to each event. Now there was a report of USAF aircraft that was being researched has had the ability to travel to Mach 6 which is 6 times the speed of sound.

They call this a Hypersonic Jet, its called Project Aurora. It does look like a UFO from far actually in Night. But in daytime it practically looks like a hovering Stealth looking and Triangle shaped fighter. If you do research on Mach 6 even on You tube videos you'd be able to see how the clouds form when a plane reaches Mach 5. Then Search again for videos contain UFO china, you should see one video where you see a some sort of UFO looking streak of clouds and then it bursts and disappears. Funny thing is when you see the RECENT picture of the UFO sighting in China, would reveal a weird looking UFO with lights in the bottom.

But hey, there were view windows on a UFO ??? View Windows ??? Come on, you may fool hundreds and thousands but not everyone. I made a pencil draw of the picture found in Yahoo. and guess what, When I google Searched Aurora, there was picture that was in an EXACT design right down to the looks on what I drew. Know this...IM NO Piccaso or Da Vinci to draw picture perfect portraits. It was basically a schoolboy doodle thingy and yet the designs for Aurora I saw in Google was amazingly similiar. Now imagine the same pic at night and light reflections from the bottom, would naturally look like a freakin UFO.

In October 2009 Iran was testing thier missles when suddenly they saw a streak in the clouds just behind the missle. It was thought to be a UFO also. But Scientist has confirmed that it was speeding on great speeds. Actually it was within Man limits at it was traveling in Mach 4. It IS Aurora, the US has been and will STILL be monitoring 3rd World Countries for years to come. Mainly because its part of thier Security purpose. They keep their friends close, but they keep thier enemies Closer. Not one country will be able to penetrate the US mainly because of the Technological advances of thier war machine.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Clairvoyance : Knowing something before it happens in Reality

Dear People,

Thank you for your continued interest in this blog. So here it goes.

Clairvoyance...What in heck is Clairvoyance, well lemme sum it in 2 words,
Clair = Clear / voyance = Vision. So it means clear vision. Its a form of ESP. Now I'm not talking bout that popular sports channel...Sheesh!! ESPN !!! duhh...

ESP is Extra Sensory Perception. Now I'm sure there were times where you were so absolutely sure that something is going to happen, you just cant explain it nor can you understand where you got that info from. and then boom it happens. A whole lot of people will never understand abt ESP and whether if clairvoyance is real or some kinda sci-fi bull. In actual fact in some instance it could've happen to you some point in your life where you could predict something and it happens EXACTLY as how you had earlier describe it.

For me : I can give you about 3 - 4 examples of clairvoyance actually that took place in my very own family. Lets start from my 2nd Bro, I call him Pro Bro. He told me once he was sitting with his co-leagues in a coffee shop. They were all discussing how hot the weather was and how good it were to be if it rained. My bro just simply got irritated, and so he kinda said this in a loud manner " Now what the hell do you want ? You want it to rain right ? " he snapped his fingers...Believe it or not, At that Very Splinter of a second...Kabooom, there was a sound of thunder but it was far from the shop but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Now my Brother was abt to make a joke, but seriously he never thought that this would've happen at that exact second. He closed his eyes and let out a slight rough sigh as if a magician had just concertrated and spent his powers on a spell. He made it look like he caused that !! His friends sat there awe struck and gawking in disbelieve. THIS IS NO STORY, Its really true and it did happen But my brother could not contain his laughter and smiled...and then he laughed...He couldnt believe his freaking luck, What are the odds of that ever happening, but It actually did on this day !!! the weiredest thing however, how is it that He Knew that it was going to rain at that moment ?

That was Example 1, now here's Example 2 : My Own Life experience
This kinda happened like wayy before, I was still schooling at that time. Dad wanted to re-paint his old car so he brought out this paint table and colour chart. He asked all of his sons all 4 of us to choose a colour, so we all did. As you'd know all of us did have separate taste and colours. I choose if Im not mistaken Navy Blue for our ol Datsun car mind you! But dad couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to make it as a vote, All of us wrote or favourite color on a peice of paper and rolled it up and put in a jar.

The one who picks up the paper with our own colour wins the vote. So guess what I picked it up VOILA it was My Navy Blue, I was jumping for Joy...But I guess that was Really a Miracle from God, cos I was Praying sooooo freaking hard for my colour to be chosen.... But sigh...Dad later chose his own Fav colour and repainted it...
It was Yellow !!!

Well I can give example 3 - 4 at a later time...for now, I gotta go...BYE !!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Paranoia and Worldwide Scares about the End of the World

Well is my Blog gonna be update every 3 months once ? Well, the main reason is as the AVP of Universal Management Team, we manage everything. However, there is a scare and paranoia going around humanity about the year 2012.

Well, we have yet to receive any updates from HIS words yet. Therefore all I can say is maybe its gonna be just another day. Just like what happened back in Dec 1998, when the clock struck 12 am, everybody thought the world will end in 1999. Then again, 1 year after it was the Millenium new year, But as far as I can remember 2000 was a party Most of us will never forget.

It was because of the amount of pleasure we can get (in the clubs and bars and New Yr party hotspots) and the amount of fear we had on our computer systems back home ( will it crash or simply stop functioning? ).

But 12am struck and nothing happened, it was just another Saturday night. Yeah sure there were fireworks but came monday its Business as usual. So all you doom sayers and paranoid freaks out there..

Come Dec 23rd rite ? if Im not mistaken 2012, Nothing will happen. No Asteroids, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or Tidal wave tsunamis coupled with volcanoes. Nope, when 12am rings on 23rd Dec 2012, its just gonna be yet another Sunday. That morning people will get up late and some may go to work, Imagine the worldwide dissapointment. Oh but Then again mebbe the paranoia might strike again. This time at 30th December 2012. This will probably mark the end of the world...mebbe the mayans could've got it a bit off in calculations....

Come 31st December 12 am, It will be just another Friday Morning....Everybody will simply get tired of this and still go to work.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Different Point Of View

Yes, Its been what ? a 3 Months long absence ? Yes I do apologize, the main reason is that I have been caught up by so many things. Just to let you know that the AVP of training in Universal Management Team is about to have a partner for life. And this AVP has been taking the time to sort out many of the headaches mainly the funds needed to manage this biggest Project Management task of his life and I happen to personally know this AVP very well, YEAH !!! I AM TALKING BOUT ME!!!!

This means that 2 minds will work together which is far better that 1. Now as per what I have blogged in my previous posts,(IF I COULD REMEMBER THAT IS..) as you can see many people buy into so many different thoughts and different modes of thinking. Here's a start of this topic which is A different point of view.

What do I mean by this is that Everyone has they're own personal view on life, things and...well....stuffs ! Now let me post a question to you that might be able to test your reasoning. For instance, What is your beliefs in death for instance. There are those who believes that when you die, you get judged and either go to heaven or hell. Then there are those who believes in karma and reincarnation. But there is a also a small group of people who believe that when you die, that's it. End of it all, no heaven, no hell, no god, no devil and certainly no rebirths, just a full stop on life.

What do I believe ? well like the title of this post its based on my point of view, who's to say who is right and who is wrong. Sometimes we are getting confused or we might get contradicted by conflicts on religion. Some belief in one god, others many gods and then there are...well Atheist, ones who don't believe in god. But what would you say that this is based on your own personal point of view, unfortunately our religion prohibits points of view. It tells us about how it is..and thats the rule, you break it, youre not one of us.

Seems to me like sometimes Im part of a huge larger organisation that Im incapable of escaping. Mainly because the person would be subjected to heavy scrutiny and social criticsim...(okie bad spelling but I think you know what I wanted to say) So its because of many of these aspects most of us Dont ask the questions that related to Points of view. What about how I feel about things and not what the religious books or the holy books tell me. What about how I feel deep inside my own heart ? Do I have to silence it everytime and just go with the flow of the crowd ?

Is it really wrong to go against the river, is it really bad to follow the doctrines I believe in ? or do I suck in my pride and ego and follow what everyone else is doing. Following it by the book ? Do I actually assume that become a bit atheistic this way ? For me ? I am real god friendly person, I look upon him as a friend who is always there for me even if Im not close to him. But I know I can always count on him to help me when the time comes. and this is really re-assuring, i view HIM as a person who expects you to do some of the dirty work first and then leave the rest to him to finish it and add the final touches.

This is my point of view, this is the Universal ratio of life and death. 70% Your own work, 10% Luck, Fate, Destiny and all other "X" Factors, 20% Gods intervention. But trust me, you REALLY need all this to work in order for it to achieve a 100%.

So everytime something dont go rite and you wanna blame somebody else? Remember it was 70% your work, DID U DID IT RIGHT the first time round?? Drill this to your head, and maybe all your endeavours would be successfull. Is this a Secret to Success ? Maybe, but heck...its worth trying rite ? Youd never know....

The MahaBlogger

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Year, A New Month & A New Trajedy.

Well Sorry People for the Late edition, but I have been busy as of a late. Main reason is the Universal Management Team AVP had to Move out. Yes, a New Year and A New Change, a New Perspective and a New View of life.

But with the New Year came a new devastating Tragedy. It started on Tuesday 12th January Just west of Port-Au Prince in Haiti. Yes, The earthquake that took nearly 170,000 lives. It was quite sudden and the news so saddening. Yet, a lot of people were askin Why Haiti ? Why NOT ? Look at the people in Haiti, it was always restless, there were always people blazing guns everywhere, the people believed in Dark Sorcery and Black Arts. Some even resort to Voodoo, but whatever happened to all you witch doctors when this tragedy struck ?

How come your profound clairvoyance couldnt catch this ? If they Truly had the powers to resurect the dead, cant they know that a Heavy amount of death is about surface on the land ? OR.....Can it be that this Quake has been Orchestrated by one of this voodoo witch doctors themselves ??? Hmmm...If so...Then Truly powerfull they are and they do have the ability to control the elements itself. Imagine the amount of zombies that might walk on this land now. Either way, It was Trully not the kind of year to start with.

Many notable GLOBAL things happened last year, I feel it was like in recorded history the MOST amounts of Eclipse that has been seen was on Last year, the amount tragedies that struck last year was off the charts also. Now with 2010, 1 Tragedy, and still counting.

So When is it going to end ? Time for the People to wake up and start praying again. Time to understand that even the flutter of a butterfly in africa can cause a tornado in the US. Similiarly, a Grand tragedy of a mass scale happening in Haiti could lead to a Very Beautifull enlightenment somewhere in Asia? Now there is even Speculation that this Earthquake is not Natural and that it could be caused by Man.

Some say it was a Test by a US Military Ops HAARP Project testing. A New Space Age Weapon? If true..Then our brethren from the Stars Have trully visited us. NO HUMAN on earth has this tech. Its gotta be Alien in Origin. But in a lighter note. Lets pray for the deceased and lets hope that such tragedies does not happen again. My deepest condolences to the family members of the deceased. May God Bless Thier Souls.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Bit about Atheism Part 2 : The Other Side

As per previously discussed, They are some who Do not believe in god but they believe in the God in Mankind. They are always both sides to the story. For instance there is an old saying : " One who do not have any belief in God is as Blind as to those who trust in HIM too deeply "

Its an interesting point, many would critic an Atheist as that person is blind or has lost its grace and etc. But what about those who believe in God too deeply, there are some who has even given up their life in certain religious ceremonies all in the name of god.

In the Ancient times, wars were fought, Thousands were killed, tortured or even hanged all in the name of God, these people would shout God Wills It. Hmmm..youd might be thinking, Who Am I referring this to? Well Im talking about all religions and all different points in time. For example : - The Crusaders in ancient Syria and in middle east, Wars were fought for the claiming of Jerusalem the Holy Land. Thousands died all in the name of god. But in the end Both sides only had gained nothing, there was only huge losses. A century of warfare which TILL NOW has yet to be resolved.

In Hinduism, there were also thousands who died in the wars of Mahabharata, half of them were all related to each other, and yet they slew each other all in the name of Lands, Wealth, Kings, God & Country. So did the Ancient Chinese Dynasties also had wars, so did the Muslims civil wars, Ancient Egyptians wars for overthrowing the Pharoahs or God Kings.

When you look back in to history it teaches us that Humankind has been fighting Wars only for the sake of Greed and own personal Gain, never for the sake of true Religious peity. Each and every single one of them only fought to satisfy thier own personal agenda's. But ask yourself this...WHICH GOD WOULD EVER CONDONE ANY WAR ?
Bloodshed has only brought more bloodshed.

For Me personally....AM I AN ATHEIST ?? Well, I have a firm believe in God, Yes I pray to statues, I believe daily prayer routines & rituals,So I guess Im not one. But There are certain pointers that makes me Question Religion as a whole. Who created Religion, and why put so many Rules & Regulations to follow ?
I trully believe that religion is the reason the world is actually being broken up to pieces. We are divided by gender, age and skin colour, and now to further top the icing we are further divided by religion and race....

To me, We are all one, the only difference is Men & Women, Young & Old...and I guess thats it. We should all have a universal belief in God, we should all have universal believe in the soul of mankind. Let us pray for the good of mankind, let us bring the spirituality of life back into the mainstream.

A Bit about Atheism...What is Atheism Anyways ?

There are many people who may have already heard of the word Atheist, but what does it mean actually ?

As per what it says in Wikipedia : Atheism can be either the rejection of theism,[1] or the position that deities do not exist.[2] In the broadest sense, it is the absence of belief in the existence of deities.[3]

"Hehehehe!! Copy N Paste again?? yup I know I'm lazy but...Anyways, back to the subject..."

To the layman, the above description may sound too scientific and too hard to be deciphered. So in the layman's sense, an atheist is someone who does not have any belief in God. Now there are many atheists around the world nowadays, some would even go as far to say that those who do not believe in god is those who believe in the devil. Well as far as most Intellectual atheist's go, I don't think they are all Satanic or Devil worshipers actually. They merely are all more of a Rationalist, where they believe in scientific evidence and realistic explanations for everything. They believe in the Logical and Factual explanation for everything and not relying on anything mystical, spiritual or in superstitions.

Now I don't think that its wrong if one does not believe in God, thats highly your own personal beliefs but there are some irresponsible ones out there who goes out to criticize religion and God. Now these are the people with problems. If you dont like something, but its something that's not wrong, no use going around telling people that everyone else should reject this.

There are also some who believes in Teachings of Saints or Holy Men/Prophets and these people do not believe in Religion. Now here comes the argument, Are they also considered Atheist ?? Some of these people do not believe in God, but they believe in a spiritual energy of righteousness surrounding men. They are taught doctrines on how to become a good human being, giving in to devotion to helping humanity and in non-violence.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Truth & Honesty

What is the different between telling the truth and Knowing truth ? Telling the truth means to tell one the exact thing that has happened without fabrication, lies or made up ideas. Its to tell something as it is.

Knowing truth, means knowing the knowledge of all that is noble and good conduct of righteousness. So where does one draw the line between telling a truth or knowing truth ? Pretty complicated rite ? I know its baffling. What The heck does Knowing truth means ? Here's something to ponder upon.

Lets say you're a guy married with a beautiful wife, and she is currently pregnant 9 months. One day she comes up to you and asks you if she is still beautiful and good looking with her pregnant belly. Now this is where one begins to think and delve deep in thought for a good answer. Some might say its simple and easy, others may ponder on the answer. Some might be POLITICALLY correct, some may be quite cautious, others may be too fast to answer. Basically, the best answer and safest would be rather the most obvious one that is to tell her that she is still as beautiful as ever.

Now but is this the TRUTH ???? A pregnant women might look really huge, thus not as how she used to look before. But off course TO some Select Few, they may think that pregnant women are hot & sexy, but truthfully speaking you may have told a lie.
But does this mean that I have yet done something wrong since I lied ? Not really, Most believe that what you said is a good lie.

Others may argue that One needs not to lie to tell if that person is beautiful during their pregnancy, They Are beautiful never the less.So here's the ZEN thingy,What you told is a lie...but it was a good lie that you told. If you had told that she looks huge it may have made her sad & unhappy. But on the other hand if you were overnice you might pay an even bigger price, she might take that youre being rather sarcastic or plain cruel with her. Please do Remember the mood swings that comes with the pregnancy period as well. All these factors actually do add up. So now comes to the Main Point, What is Knowing Truth means in all these. Knowing Truth means to know the good & righteousness conduct, also to apply this knowledge in daily use. Knowing that if you told the TRUTH in the question above it would left a devastating effect on a relationship. But If you told that lie, you wouldve been a rather nice and good person. BUT YET I LIED !!!! How could Telling a Lie be good ? In some circumstances telling a good lie is better than telling a bad truth.

Now this is where it comes to my 2nd point, and this is about Honesty.
To know a whole lot more about Both this subjects, lets take a look back to the beginning of time as told in the Quran & Bible.

There was ADAM & EVE in EDEN the Garden of Paradise, The Tree of Knowledge of all that is Good & Bad sets right in the center of the garden. EVE was tricked by the serpent to eat an apple from that Tree of knowledge. Now both Adam & Eve was already warned by GOD Not to eat from that tree. Yet, she took a bite from that apple on that tree, and gave it to Adam. Next thing, they started to cover their body in shame. Now here's a thought Why do u think that God Forbade Humankind from eating from that tree ?

One thought was that God Forbade them to test their fate and love of Gods word/command. Another was that it was teach humankind NOT to be greedy.

Here's some points as to why HE may have forbade us :

1. To teach us Respect for nature.
2. To teach us to respect HIS commandments.
3. A Test of our Faith.
4. It would actually might have been bad for health ???
5. Maybe some secret Bet God had goin with the Devil / Serpent.
6. To Stop us from becoming like HIM. ( GOD )
7. To Force us to disobey him.
8. Knowing all that is good & bad is too much for one mind to handle.
9. Knowledge of all that is Good & bad would cause us to Only be interested in Knowing everything Bad.
10. I Truly Honestly Dont Know why He forbade us. I guess we all should sometimes just do what we were told to.

Now, lets take this perspective for a change....Lets Say that God Forbade us Mainly because if Humankind ate from that tree, we would know everything Good & Bad.Now since God is all knowing, he would've definitely figured out that Humankind is so easily inclined to be interested in doing bad things rather than good ones. So I guess thats why he forbade us...

Here's a cruncher tho...IF GOD IS ALL KNOWING and ALL pervading, WHY oh! WHY did he HAD TO PUT THAT TREE RIGHT THERE in the first place, and then Tell us not to eat it, KNOWING fully well that We are going to disobey him in the first place ??? Important thought rite ? You'd think that God wouldn't have a sense of humor well maybe this proves us that maybe he does have one. Off course "God Works in mysterious ways" this one legacy he left stays true to that saying, however in all of this Where is the Honesty and Truth in GODS doing at this time ?

Im not being an ANTI god or anything, but to tell you the truth THIS IS WHY I trully believe that both Bible, Quran and all other sacred texts has actually been written by humans and NOT GOD himself. GOD in all his knowledge would've NOT made such a Big Bad Blunder like this, however a Human Mind could. They were writing this on a mind with limited ability. If GOD truly wrote these texts, it would've been flawless, there was everything there ever was to know about anything. And he would've wrote this for everyone and would've made it so simple for everyone to follow.

Look at our ancient texts, Every single one of them has its flaws..So How could people go on to say that GOD wrote any one of them, when it has Flaws ? GOD is FLAWLESS, He is Perfect. I truly love GOD, and I take him to be the single Greatest thing in my life. Everyday, Id pray to him asking for forgiveness and his blessing. I trully ask only 2 things from him : To Please forgive all my sins currently and past as to when he deems fit, and to Bless me when if he deems fit.

In times of a such a need, Id pray for that need also, but I will also tell him that I will not be upset or angry should I NOT get what I pray for. As I know God would know what is BEST for me. No use crying over something God has not prepared to bestow upon me. Therefore, I surrender myself to him completely and to deal with me as how He wishes to.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Truth About Life.

I have approached many people in life, in many facets of life. I have starred directly into it, and yet came out unscathed. I truly believe this small quotation, " Whatever good I can do unto this world, Let me do it today and not save it for tomorrow and I shall not look back, For I shalt not return this path again "

Now, although this saying has touched me deep inside somehow though I feel that if we were to all live this way we would end up being too selfish. Why cant we actually walk on this path again ? If we were given the chance to actually do something good to the world ? why wont we make a stand to repeat this process even into the next birth ??. Who Am I ? as the blogger AM I THE MAHA BLOGGER ???

Well, lets just say that this blog is a screen that gives out pearls of wisdom from time to time. Does it mean that this person must also be such a Wonderful, Great and Holistic person? No, He does not need to be. Its like the following saying goes " For Those who CAN...They DO, and for those who CAN'T......They'd Teach ! "

I'm no Monk, I cant give up all that's been given to me, as I believe that whatever that's been given to me is a blessing, and I should be thankful for it. But as I said, I'm no MONK, So I Can't DO the good things Id wish to say, so simply I'd rather Teach....Simple, a good way of living. You don't do any harm and yet you're able to gain a peace of mind since you know that someone out there has taken in your advice and has improved his/hers life.

Good philosophy eh ?

Welcome to the MAHA BLOGGER.

This is an Epic Saga that starts Billions of years ago...Since time immemorial, Humankind has been a plague, a disease for this planet. We have been the Cancer and now we are headed towards a grand scale disaster that none can prepare from.

We have been eating this planet alive, but LO and Behold ! This planet shall fight back, this IS a living planet. It has evolved ways to destroy any sort of viruses that tries to break down the immune system of this planet.

Who or What is this cure ? TIME !!!

Now Im Sure that the above may have sounded amusing. But What is MAHA Blogger all about anyways ? To Tell you the truth.....There you go....Its to tell you Truth. As long as I walk on this path called Life, I shall try my very best to give the message of truth, love, honesty and as a matter of fact any sort of good advice that I can possibly give to anyone out there.